This devotional will be brief. In a few minutes we will celebrate the birth of a son. Notice I didn’t capitalize son. It is not the birth of Jesus we will be celebrating. As far as I know, Red Velvet cake is not Jesus’ favorite food. It is, however, the favorite food of Miles MacGregor Glenn born 12/12/1997. Yes, my youngest is 16 today and will be getting his driver’s license next week—assuming he passes his test.
This day makes me think of Fathers and Sons and the amazing love there is between them. As we celebrate this Advent season, I cannot imagine the other-centered, self-giving love of Father God as He sent His Son into the world to save it. Abraham and Isaac gave us a glimpse of that kind of sacrifice that was halted at the last moment because “God will provide a lamb.” Centuries later, on what some scholars believe is the same exact mountain that Abraham went with Isaac to worship at—Moriah—Father God’s only begotten was sacrificed on what is now called Calvary. That is amazing, supernatural love that I cannot wrap my mind around. Honestly, I would not give up Miles for a world that for the most part would reject him. But then, I am not God. That’s good news for everybody. Happy 16th Miles and may you have many more as you serve the King.
This day makes me think of Fathers and Sons and the amazing love there is between them. As we celebrate this Advent season, I cannot imagine the other-centered, self-giving love of Father God as He sent His Son into the world to save it. Abraham and Isaac gave us a glimpse of that kind of sacrifice that was halted at the last moment because “God will provide a lamb.” Centuries later, on what some scholars believe is the same exact mountain that Abraham went with Isaac to worship at—Moriah—Father God’s only begotten was sacrificed on what is now called Calvary. That is amazing, supernatural love that I cannot wrap my mind around. Honestly, I would not give up Miles for a world that for the most part would reject him. But then, I am not God. That’s good news for everybody. Happy 16th Miles and may you have many more as you serve the King.